i have an old 2016 navigo decouverte card. can i still use it in june 2023?

By | June 14, 2023 | in

i have an old navigo decouverte card from 2016. can i still use it? or is there a way to exchange it for the new version? 
i also have a question about which pass to use for two (but more like 1.5 days) in paris. i will be in paris wednesday to tuesday. i will get the weekly decouverte card on wednesday. but i am trying to decide what to do for monday and tuesday. monday i was hoping to go to fountainbleu and tuesday my flight departs ORY at 6am. is it worth to get a mobilis 1 day or just get carnet of T+ and pay for the ile de france ticket to/from fountainbleu?  can i even load carnet t+ on the decouverte? i was also hoping to take the N22 bus from chatelet to ORY on tuesday early morning ~3am. the RATP site has the timetable for N22 but when i try to use the trip planner it does not give me the option. is the N22 running?
thank you for any advice!  

1 answer

Staff June 15, 2023

You can use Navigo cards for 10 years from original purchase so yours from 2016 should still work until 2026.
For your day in Fontainebleau I would say just a pair of RER tickets would be best.  It'll be 5€ each way making a Navigo Day pass 1-5 zone (20.10€) overkill (unless you're doing a bunch of other trips that day).
For Chatelet to Orly, yes the night bus N22 will be running and you'd need only a single, regular Ticket t+ for that ride.
Navigo Découverte cards can't store any single-use fares like Ticket t+ nor RER tickets, nor Orlybus/Roissybus.  The Navigo Easy can store Ticket t+ tickets as well as Orlybus/Roissybus and Navigo Day passes, but still not RER tickets.


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