Travelling from CDG to Bir-Hakeim station

By | August 14, 2023 | in

Hi Ben, just wanted to confirm my understanding. I checked the route to Avenue de Suffren from CDG and it mentions getting off at Denfert-Rochereau, change to Line 6 metro and then get off at Bir-Hakeim station and walk the rest of the way. Is buying the RER B tickets @11.45€ be sufficient or do I still need to buy a single use metro ticket? Arrival to CDG is around 3pm on a Sunday. Thanks.

1 answer

Staff August 14, 2023

A single RER B train ticket will cover the entire train trip from CDG to Paris Denfert-Rochereau and onto Bir Hakeim via Metro 6 using the same ticket.  Your arrival time of 3pm Sunday is fine and won't be affected by any closures/maintenance works.  Have a good trip.


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