Would a pass be helpful in this situation?

By | October 6, 2023 | in

Hello!  I am trying to figure all this train schedules out and going a bit nuts. LOL. In the following situation, should I get a Paris Metro pass?  The transfer times seem tight so I don't think I would want to buy any passes before hand.  Or would buying the train ticket cover the metro portion as well?  so confused...

10:39 am

1h 2min

Paris Montparnasse 1 Et 2Paris
11:41 am




Montparnasse BienvenueParis
11:57 am



Les HallesParis
12:07 pm




Châtelet Les HallesParis
12:10 pm



Gare De LyonParis
12:12 pm




Gare De LyonParis
12:16 pm




Bourron-Marlotte - GrezBourron Marlotte - Grez Station, France
1:15 pm



1 answer

Staff October 6, 2023

I'm not sure what to make of the itinerary that was pasted into your question, but I can suggest an itinerary to get from Gare Montparnasse to Gare de Lyon.
From the Gare Montparnasse railway station, walk (about 10-12 minutes) to Montparnasse Bienvenüe Metro (subway) station, the Metro 4 line in particular.  Take this Metro line towards Porte de Clignacourt until Chatelet, then transfer to Metro 14, direction Olympiades until Gare de Lyon.  Travel time (after reaching Bienvenüe station) is about 17 minutes, so total travel time of just under 30 minutes. 
A single Paris Metro ticket for 2.50€ would suffice for this short trip and is valid for the transfer at Chatelet.


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