Navigo Easy Pass Charging for Transfer

By | October 11, 2023 | in

When arriving in Paris at Gare de Lyon, I bought the Navigo Easy Pass and loaded 10 ticket+ rides. I scanned my easy pass and took the M14 to the M4, then scanned my pass at the M4 station and took it to my destination in Montmartre. (Total journey took about 30 minutes). Later, I checked my easy pass later and noticed that 2 rides were deducted. 
I noticed with paper tickets you insert the ticket initially and it spits it back out. Then when transferring to another Metro, you insert the original paper ticket again and it is validated for no additional charge for the ride. 
Can someone help explain what I might be doing wrong when I'm transferring using the Navigo Easy Pass?
Thanks for any help. 
First time in Paris and loving it. Just trying to figure out the Metro system a bit. 

1 answer

Staff October 13, 2023

As long as you didn't exit the station at Chatelet (I'm assuming that's where you made the Metro 14 to Metro 4 transfer), the transfer should have been included when using Navigo Easy.
If possible perhaps you could check with the "Agence RATP" at Chatelet Les Halles and ask about why your pass was deducted twice when the M4 leg should have been included as a transfer on the first Ticket t+ validated.


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