Clarification with Paris 2024 Pass

By | June 3, 2024 | in
Anonymous asked June 3, 2024

Hi Ben. Does a single-day Paris 2024 Pass only have validity until 11:59pm on the day I would first validate it? Let's say I validated the pass on Aug 1st @ 6pm, then I would only get 6 hours of validity/use from the pass? Is this correct?
Also, thanks for all the in-depth answers to the questions. You really go above and beyond to help us tourists. Much appreciated!

1 answer

Staff June 3, 2024

Hi, yes that's correct a 1-Day Paris 2024 Pass firsted used/validated at 6pm would only last 6 hours until 11:59:59pm.  Thanks for the kind words. :)


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