Transit from Gare De Lyon to Austeritz station during Olympic security period

By | June 12, 2024 | in

I arrive at Gare De Lyon and have a connection in Austeritz station on July 24th, when Olympic security perimeter (SLIT) is setup. The perimeter may not allow me to walk between the two stations. Can anyone help with the options that exist to move across these two stations?

1 answer

Staff June 13, 2024

From studying the Paris interactive transportation affected map from the French government it looks like there are two options: cross on foot using Pont Charles de Gaulle (Pont CDG) which is the next car & pedestrian bridge south of Pont d'Austerlitz or take Bus 24, which I'm assuming will be diverted south to use either Pont CDG or Pont de Bercy (Bus 24 normally uses Pont d'Austerlitz).
Looking closely at the map it shows Pont Charles de Gaulle and Quai d'Austerlitz (onto which the bridge exits) are both in Red Zone, not SILT zone.  And according to another French government page on the Paris Olympics opening ceremonies closures / travel restrictions (see section "Périmètre Rouge") Red Zone access for pedestrians and bikes is open without needing a digital access pass, for the entire July 18 - 26 period.  Personal vehicles on the other hand are prohibited within Red Zone unless they have a digital pass.
The SILT zone on the interactive map close to Gare d'Austerlitz, I believe is actually highlighting the Voie Express Rive Gauche and the Seine foot path next to the water, not Quai d'Austerlitz, the large street. (Open up two web browser tabs, one on Google Maps satellite view and another the French govt. interactive map and compare the two.)
So I think you'll be fine to make your transfer on foot (or bus) from Gare de Lyon to Gare d'Austerlitz between July 18 - 26.


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