How to get to stade pierre mauroy from Marne-la-Vallée Chessy using Navigo Pass?

By | 11 hours ago | in
Anonymous asked 11 hours ago

Good Morning,
We are a family of 14 staying close to Disneyland but have game tickets to watch Football at Stade Pierre Mauroy. Can we use our Navigo pass to get to Stade Pierre Mauroy? 

1 answer

Staff 2 hours ago

Stade Pierre Mauroy is in a region of France outside of Paris, near the city of Lille in the northern region called the Hauts-de-France that borders Belgium.  So it's definitely not covered by the Navigo Pass which only works inside the Ile-de-France region (the Paris metropolitan area).
But, Lille is nicely accessible by TGV high speed train directly from Marne la Vallée Chessy TGV station so your total travel time, including Lille Metro and walking to the stadium could be done in about 1 hour & 45 minutes (plus you'll get to see some beautiful countryside).
I'd suggest using SNCF-Connect to search & buy TGV train tickets (mostly branded as "OUIGO" or "INOUI" trains on the site) to Lille.  Use "Lille Flandres" as your destination station and "Marne la Vallée-Chessy" as your departure.  The direct TGV trains are about 1h9m.  The SNCF-Connect website is the national train authority's website, not a 3rd party reseller, and all of these trains are operated by that national train authority, although they have various (odd) branding names that only make sense phoenetically in French.
I'm not familiar with the public transport in Lille, but the link to the Lille public transport website at the bottom of the Olympics Pierre Mauroy page should be helpful.
Have a great match!


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