Paris Transportation Keywords (with Translation)

By Ben | July 18, 2011 | in Attractions

Keywords used in the Paris Metro, RER, Trains, Trams and Buses

Accueil Information
Aller-Simple One way ticket
Aller-Retour Return ticket
Annulé Cancelled
Arrêt Stop
Arrivée Arrival time
Billet Ticket
Billeterie Automatic ticket terminal
Bagages Luggage
Carnet Book of tickets (bulk price)
Compostage Ticket validator
Consigne (Automatique/ Manuel) Luggage storage (Automatic/ Manual)
Controller Controller (transit enforcement)
Durée Duration (of journey)
Départ Departure Time
Dernier Last
En retard Late
En espèces Cash
Fiches (Horaires) (Timetable) sheets
Gare Station
Grande Ligne Grand Line or Main line trains
Horaires Timetable/ Schedule
Île-de-France Region of France that Paris and it’s suburbs is located in
Jeune Youth (normally ages 26 and below are considerred youths)
Jour (Férié) Day (Holiday)
Mensuels Monthly
Mois Month
Objets Trouvés Lost and Found Office
Premier(e) First
Prochain(e) Next
Prix Price
Semaine Week
Sortie(s) Exit(s)
Sites Touristiques Tourist Sites
Tarif (réduit) Fare rate (reduced)
Train Court Short Train (ie. less carriages)
Vente Selling Point (for tickets)
Voyageurs Passengers
Voie Lane

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Hi my name is Ben and I’m the creator & author of I want to empower you with the knowledge & confidence to travel Paris like a local through personally researched, in-depth articles like CDG to Paris by train and the Paris Metro. I moved to Paris in 2006 and started in 2008 to share what I’ve learned about the vast & comprehensive Paris train network. Have Paris train questions? Ask them here. Have a great visit to Paris!

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Paris Transportation Keywords (with Translation) was last modified: October 28th, 2019 by Ben