Can I take metro line 4 on 18 July 2024?

By | 4 days ago | in
Anonymous asked 4 days ago

Dear Sir, I am planning to go from Portoson Mont St.Michel to London on 18 July 2024. I have to take metro line 4 at around 5 pm on that day from Gare du Montparnasse to Gare du Nord. Do the metros line 4 on that day run as usual or,  run but less than usual, or do they run none on that day due to the security week in advance to the opening ceremony of Paris Olympics 2024?

1 answer

Staff 4 days ago

Only the station "Cité" along Metro line 4 will be closed on 18-26 July 2024 (this station will not be stopped at by trains passing through northward towards Gare du Nord & beyond).  The rest of Metro line 4 will be open and running normally during this day at the regular intervals as well.  You shouldn't have any problems making your transfer between Gare Montparnasse and Gare du Nord on Metro 4.  Have a nice trip.


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