can i use navigo Easy card from Gare du Nord to Sceaux

By | October 29, 2023 | in

can i use navigo Easy card from Gare du Nord to Sceaux , 
I have a Navigo Easy pass  and i use it  for the center of Paris , but i want to travel to  parc  Sceaux ,  is that possible with the same card  , with RER B  , 

1 answer

Staff October 29, 2023

The Navigo Easy card can't hold RER tickets currently so the most direct RER B train to Parc Sceaux is not possible on Navigo Easy.
But, what you can do with a Navigo Easy is spend two regular Paris Metro/Ticket t+ to take first Metro 4 to Bagneux Lucie Aubrac then transfer to Bus 197 (direction Av. Saint Marc, this uses the 2nd Ticket t+ from your Navigo Easy card) until Parc Sceaux.   The cost would be not too far off from the RER price for the same trip.  So your Navigo Easy would be debited once for the Metro 4 ride, then once again when boarding bus 197.


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