Charles de Gaulle airport to Melun on one ticket?

By | 11 hours ago | in
Anonymous asked 11 hours ago

Hello and thanks for all you do. My question is- after I buy my ticket for Paris at Charles de Gaulle airport on RER Line B, can I change at the Gare du Nord for Melun on RER Line D without buying another ticket? Thanks!

1 answer

Staff 32 mins ago

Yes, with the new CDG Airport Ticket (the digital version on a Navigo Easy or Paris transit phone app), it will cover your entire trip from CDG to Paris - Gare du Nord on RER B (zones 5 to 1) and onto Melun on RER D (zones 1 to 5).  This ticket is brand new and awesome that it covers the 5-zone network in its entirety rather than just CDG into central Paris zone 1.  The description of this ticket and how it covers both into central Paris and back out to outlying zones is available only in French on the RATP site.  On the Ile-de-France Mobilites site, which does have an English description of this ticket, their page is more vague and doesn't provide an example of the expanded coverage of the new CDG Airport Ticket.


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