Find updated timetable for Thalys train leaving Paris Nord for Brussels Midi on Sep 28th

By | September 12, 2023 | in

I received notification from Thalys today that our train time has changed and was directed to the Thalys website to check on this. I looked at their website and the SNCF website (timetables on both sites) and the information on Thalys regarding disruptions.  The timetable still shows  our train, Train #9341 listed as leaving Paris Nord at 12:51, arriving at Brussels Midi at 14:17, on Thu, 9/28, which is what my ticket says, so no change that I can see.   Does it take a day or two for the timetable to update? Is there something I am missing?  If anyone knows what the new time is or if I need to just keep checking, I would appreciate it! 

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