It is mandatory to have a transport card?

By | November 21, 2019 | in

I would know if it is possible to travel by bus just paying that in the bus. 
The point is I want to take a bus from Disneyland Paris to Orly at night so I have this Night buses. I should take two or three buses (I preffer only take two) but I don't know if I need this Navigo Easy pass or not. I mean, navigo or another card is necessary to buy a simple ticket? we are two people traveling and we are not going to take any other trasportation in the days we'll be there. 
Thank you so much!

1 answer

Staff November 21, 2019

You can buy bus tickets on board Paris buses.  You don't need a Navigo pass/card to buy single-use tickets.
The only accepted payment for Paris buses is by Euro coins.  You can also buy Paris bus tickets (i.e. Ticket t+) at Paris ticket machines or ticket windows prior to taking the bus.  Paris transportation tickets don't expire before use so you can buy a ticket one day and use another time or day.
If you buy a Paris bus ticket on board the bus, you cannot transfer to another bus with that same bus ticket.
If you buy a Ticket t+ from a ticket vending machine or a ticket window, you can use that ticket to transfer from one bus to another bus within 2 hours of first validation on board the bus.


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