RER b tickets

By | July 20, 2024 | in

Hi. I arrived in Paris and bout 2 roundtrip RER b tickets. On all four tickets it reads, Airport to Paris. None of the tickets say, Paris to CDG or Airport. I’m concerned we won’t be able to use two of the ticket to leave from Paris to the airport. We were assisted by staff at the ticket machines but they were moving people so fast. Do I need to purchase another ticket to the airport? Thanks

1 answer

Staff 7 days ago

No, don't worry, you don't need to purchase another set of tickets.  Those tickets are good for either direction and they'll always be labeled the same regardless of direction.  Just hang onto the 2nd set of tickets and use them on your departure day (discard or mark-up the used ones so you don't mix them up).  It'll be fine.  Have a great visit.


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