Tickets in Paris and how to travel from Charles de Gaulle

By | July 16, 2016 | in

I am visiting Paris in 2 weeks time. Please let me know how to travel from the Charles de Gaulle Airport to my hotell at Cambronne in Paris center with the cheapest facilities either by train, or bus or Métro?, I also wonder if it is possible to buy a combined tickets which covers 5 zones in the inner city for at least 5 days? And I also wonder how you in France interprete one day schedule as we do here in Sweden we count 24 hours a day to be one day. So if I buy a 3 days ticket from 12:00 a.m on  Tuesday does it last until friday the same week at 12:00 a.m.?? I will appreciate for your reply.
Thanks/ Mrs. Björk

1 answer

Staff July 16, 2016

Hi Mrs. Björk,
Easy question first: transportation tickets in Paris work by day rather than 24 hour period.  A 5 day ticket first used on Monday (any time before midnight) will expire Friday midnight.
The cheapest way to get to from CDG Airport to central Paris is taking city bus number 350 which costs 6€ one way requiring 3 ticket t+ (2€ each, all validated upon entry to bus). You can buy the tickets directly from the bus driver or from ticket vending machines inside CDG Airport train stations or Roissybus stops.
Bus 350 will deliver you to Gare de l'Est train station in Paris from which you will need to transfer to another bus 39 which stops at Volontaires Lecourbe which is likely the closest stop to your hotel, but you should double check on Google Maps as there may be several Hotel Cambronne along rue Cambronne.


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