What is the estimated price for a RER trip from Bussy-saint-Georges to Disneyland (price for one-way ticket and day ticket inside zone 5)? What kind of ticket is cheapest for traveling between CDG and Bussy-Saint-Georges and what it costs? And another question… is the Paris visite carde for 3 days valid for 3 consecutive days (for example Mon-Wed) or can it be used for example on Mon, Wed and Fri?

By | May 2, 2016 | in
Anonymous asked May 2, 2016

What is the estimated price for a RER trip from Bussy-saint-Georges to Disneyland (price for one-way ticket and day ticket inside zone 5)? What kind of ticket is cheapest for traveling between CDG and Bussy-Saint-Georges and what it costs? And another question... is the Paris visite carde for 3 days valid for 3 consecutive days (for example Mon-Wed) or can it be used for example on Mon, Wed and Fri?

1 answer

Staff May 2, 2016

2.50€ one way between Bussy-Saint-Georges and Disneyland Paris / Marne La Vallée.
Mobilis day tickets for 1-5 zones are 16.60€ (there are no single zone Mobilis tickets).
15.25€ one-way RER ticket between Bussy-Saint-Georges and CDG Airport.
A 3 day Paris Visite ticket is good for 3 consecutive days of travel, not any three days of your choosing.


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