Orly Airport to Paris Train

By | June 27, 2024 | in Airport Orly (ORY) RER B

The newly opened Metro 14 station at Orly Airport offers a cheaper, simpler and faster way to get from Orly Airport to Central Paris.

The below article discusses taking the Orlyval train from Orly 1-2-3 to Antony station along the RER B line and transferring to RER B to complete the journey to central Paris.

Orly Airport to Paris Train

Line => OrlyVal + RER B (blue)

Direction => Antony station (by OrlyVal), then Mitry – Claye or Aéroport Charles de Gaulle (by RER B)

Change Trains at => Antony station

First Train / Last Train to Paris => 06:00 / 23:00 (from Orly South Terminal)

Frequency => 4 to 7 minutes

Average Travel Time => 38 minutes

Cost => 14.50€ ; child 7.25€ (Orlyval train + Zone 4 => Zone 1)

Passes Accepted => Paris Visite 5 Zone (29.25€ /1 day-5 zone)

(Prices as of February 1, 2024)

Orly Airport Train Details

The fastest way from Orly Airport to Paris is by train.

The Orly Airport train (OrlyVal) departs from both Orly Terminal West (Orly Ouest) and Orly Terminal South (Orly Sud) .

After arriving at Orly Airport, take the OrlyVal train from either Orly South Terminal or Orly West Terminal to Antony station, then transfer to RER B train to Paris. The RER B train to Paris will be traveling in directions of either Mitry-Claye or Charles-de-Gaulle (often shown as Aeroport Charles de Gaulle 1 & 2). Both of these Orly airport train directions will pass through Central Paris. The RER B train from Orly will make stops at Central Paris train stations of:

  • Denfert-Rochereau
  • Port-Royal
  • Luxembourg
  • Saint Michel Notre Dame
  • Chatelet Les Halles
  • Gare du Nord
  • Stade du France

… in that order, from South to North through Central Paris.

To find the OrlyVal train station entrance at Orly Airport, look for signs reading ORLYVAL (some signs may also show “Airport Shuttle”).  Below is a photo of the Orly West terminal OrlyVal train entrance.  (The big Christmas ornaments are there only during the holidays).

Orly Airport-West Orlyval Station Entrance

Orly Airport-West Orlyval Station Entrance

A photo of the OrlyVal Ticket Office and OrlyVal Ticket Machines at Orly West Terminal are below.  Notice you can take the Orly train to Orly Sud (South) terminal in one direction and OrlyVal Train to Paris in the other direction.  (Taking Orlyval between Orly terminals is free of charge.)

Orly Train Tickets

The ticket machines at the OrlyVal ticket office take Euro coins, credit and debit cards using chip + PIN technology.  To purchase Orly train tickets in Euro cash, use the OrlyVal ticket booth visible on the left of the photo below staffed by vendors who will help you (or you can try to find the OrlyVal ticket vending machines that take cash, a few do, see second photo below).  Although you could potentially purchase a Navigo card from the ticket booth, the Navigo passes are not valid on the OrlyVal train (but are valid for Metro 14 from Orly to Paris).  OrlyVal is a short shuttle train owned & operated by a third party that is not part of Paris city transportation group (known as the RATP).  For whatever reason the company operating OrlyVal do not have an agreement with RATP to allow RATP transit passes to work on OrlyVal.  Thus the only pass valid for OrlyVal is Paris Visite ticket and only the 5 Zone (Paris Visite is also available in a 3 Zone version, but Orly Airport is in Zone 4).

Orly Airport Orlyval Ticket Office

Orly Airport OrlyVal Ticket Office

A few of the OrlyVal ticket machines at Orly Airport train station accept Euro cash notes for buying train tickets & passes. The train ticket vending machine photo below shows a cash slot at the far bottom right, showing the various bill denominations accepted (5, 10, 20, 50, 100 Euro notes).  The Euro cash note / denomination the ticket vending machine will accept depends on the total purchase price of train tickets or train passes you are buying.  The higher your total train ticket purchase, the larger the cash note you may use in the ticket vending machine. Change will be given, but only in Euro coins, arriving by the same slot your tickets will be dispensed into: the large central slot at the bottom.

Orly Airport Train Ticket Vending Machine Cash

Orly Airport Train Ticket Vending Machine with Cash slot

Other things to note about the train ticket vending machine at Orly train station

  • Visa and Mastercard are accepted (that use chip + PIN)
  • Carte Bleue (French debit cards) are accepted, but other debit cards with chip + PIN should work
  • the purple card holder area above the credit card slot / pin pad is for recharging Navigo passes at this train ticket vending machine
  • coin slot to the right of credit card slot / pin pad accepts Euro coins, minimum denomination is 5 cents
  • the metal roller between the two circular buttons is how you make selections on the screen, rolling up or down to change the highlighted item on the screen
  • the left red button cancels or goes back, the green button is an OK button
  • collect your train tickets, Euro coin change and receipts from the large central slot below the pin pad

The OrlyVal train towards RER B Paris city train line is quick & short, only one stop from Orly West (Ouest) and two stops from Orly South (Sud) to Antony station.  A change of trains is required once you arrive at the OrlyVal terminus (last) station: Antony.

Orlyval at Antony on RER B

From Antony station, take the RER B train line in the direction of Mitry-Claye, Aéroport Charles de Gaulle, which passes through central Paris stations Luxembourg (Jardin du Luxembourg), Saint Michel Notre Dame, Chatelet Les Halles, and finally Gare du Nord before leaving central Paris and continuing onto Aéroport Charles de Gaulle in Roissy.

Orly Airport Map

Orly (ORY) Airport Map

Travel time on OrlyVal + RER B train between Orly South and central Paris (station Chatelet Les Halles) is at longest 40 minutes, station to station, including changing trains at Antony. The travel time from Orly South to Antony is 8 minutes. If you’re leaving from Orly West, travel time to Antony is 6 minutes. From Antony to Chatelet Les Halles station in Paris along RER B train line travel time is 25 minutes.

Keep in mind that the Pass Navigo Découverte for Paris is not valid for the OrlyVal train, but are valid for Metro 14 from Orly to Paris. If you have a Pass Navigo with at least 4 zones purchased, you’d be much better off taking Metro 14 to Paris, otherwise you would need to purchase a single ticket for the OrlyVal train just to Antony at a cost of 11.30€ and from there use your Navigo Pass for the RER B line to Paris. A single ticket (a billet Ile-de-France) for the entire journey between Orly and central Paris will cost 14.50€ (adult) and 7.25€ (children).

The cheaper/better option, avoiding the OrlyVal train fee altogether, would be to take Metro 14 to central Paris stations such as Chatelet.

To see all travel options, prices and travel times between Orly and Paris, see Transportation between Paris and Orly Airport.

What Next?

Hi my name is Ben and I’m the creator & author of Parisbytrain.com. I want to empower you with the knowledge & confidence to travel Paris like a local through personally researched, in-depth articles like CDG to Paris by train and the Paris Metro. I moved to Paris in 2006 and started Parisbytrain.com in 2008 to share what I’ve learned about the vast & comprehensive Paris train network. Have Paris train questions? Ask them here. Have a great visit to Paris!
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Orly Airport to Paris Train was last modified: July 16th, 2024 by Ben

3 thoughts on “Orly Airport to Paris Train

  1. Pingback: Paris by Train · Paris Train Schedules

  2. Rover Thomas

    What trains connect ORLY airport with Massy-TGV station?

  3. Ben

    To get to the Massy-TGV station, one would take an Aeroport de Paris shuttle to Pont de Rungis station on the RER C train line. From Pont de Rungis, take the RER C towards Massy-Palaiseau, the terminus station for this branch of the RER C line (C2).

    The Massy TGV station is located beside Massy-Palaiseau.

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