2.5 Days Plan*

By | November 19, 2019 | in

Hi! So, trying to map out the details for our visit. We come in on a Sunday at 1, and then are leaving on Tuesday at 1. 
What I was thinking was this: 

  1. Arrive, drop stuff at our AirBNB
  2. Take RER over to Versailles (since we may not actually arrive at and enter palace till 2:30-3:00... maybe just stay until closing time)
  3. Take RER back into Paris, then go over to Montmartre. Take the incline from bottom of hill up to Sacre Couer (it may be closed-but we are here to see a pretty view of the Paris lights from top, take in neighborhood ambiance, grab a nice dinner and walk). We will probably hang around here until 9:30 or 10:00 or so depending on when things shut down, then go back to where we are staying (adjacent to Les Halles-Chatelet Station), perhaps getting a nightcap in that area since it's close in


  1. I really want to see the Promenade Plantee-I at least, or maybe both of us, will go for a jog/walk there in morning. 
  2. At this point-we might go to Disneyland Paris (I had been thinking of Tuesday before our train back for this.. but train costs/efficiency indicates this approach might be better)
  3. Once getting back into Paris (around lunchtime-hopefully finding a decent spot)-we would probably visit the Opera Garnier/Haussmanian section of Paris, plus the Eiffel Tower (though perhaps that would be better to knock out Sunday before Montmartre). Then go back into our area and spend time exploring the area surrounding Les Halles (Latin Quarter, etc.) on foot. The remaining time of the trip (so, the afternoon/evening of Monday, and up until around noon Tuesday when we look to get back to Gare du Nord) would likely be spent within a 15-20 minute or so walking radius of our place of stay (so no trains needed). 

That said-I think based on what I mention-and thinking through this, the best option would be for us to pick an unlimited rail usage ticket for Sunday and Monday to get between those places at those times... which looks to be about 38 Euros pp? That seems like it would almost pay for itself just with getting back and forth between our place of stay and Disneyland/Versailles, not mentioning other places seeking to go Monday/Tuesday. 
Would you agree with that? Anything else we might want to be aware of? Thanks much. 

1 answer

Staff November 20, 2019

Correct, Paris Visite 2-day 5 zone will cost 38.35 € (as of Nov. 2019) per person and that would be the best option for Sunday / Monday.  Keep in mind this ticket expires midnight on Monday if you buy & use it any time on Sunday.  It doesn't work on a continuous 48-hour period from when you first use it.  If you began using Paris Visite at 11:55 p.m. on Sunday, that would count as an entire day and the ticket would still expire Monday 11:59:59 p.m.
If you're hoping to get some usage out of the ticket on Monday after midnight or Tuesday morning then you'll need a 3-day Paris Visite.
Watch out for the RER C train (Versailles line) service time changes due to construction / maintenance that's happening until Dec 29, 2019.  Might not affect you depending on your Versailles visit time plans.
If you're planning on going or returning from Versailles by train during the impacted times, there's also an alternate train between Versailles and Paris using Gare St. Lazare on Transilien L line (covered by Paris Visite ticket).  This train terminates at Versailles Rive-Droite. It's further away from the Chateau (about 15 min. walk vs. 5 min. walk for Versailles Chateau - Rive Gauche) but isn't affected by rail works.  Just a heads up.
Good call on Coulée Verte / Promenade Plantée.  It's one of my favorite things about Paris and is less well-known.  It's not quite as well maintained / new as the High Line in NYC, but they have a similar feel.
Visiting Disneyland by train from Gare de Lyon is convenient since both are on the RER A line.  It's a bit of a haul to get out there travel time wise (38-40 minutes each way).
When you go to see Eiffel Tower, Trocadero on the opposite side of the Seine has the nicest view in my opinion.  Metro line 6 has a stop called Trocadero.
Enjoy your trip!


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